Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello all, well its no surprise that i haven't "blogged" in quite some time. I am now though! The above photos are for a project i did for school that was for capturing time and motion. I did it quite a while ago but just decided to post the rest of the pictures now. I didn't want to get very conceptual because i don't always like that so I just captured me picking apples! how simple

I was residing in some new quarters last week in tosa. It was a very short stay and theres a good chance i will go back during christmas once the semester is over. we will see though! maybe i won't.
I met some really incredible people and made a new tiny friend (read: below photo)

The house was so nice and things just felt more... comfortable and realistic. no one probably even knows what i'm talking about hah. Now I am back at school studying for exams and starting new projects.

Even though I wasn't home for much of thanksgiving break, I was still able to participate in my favorite holiday festivities while making a special trip home just to fulfill my self delegated duty of picking out the Christmas tree.

I feel a million times more happy. Knowing that Christmas is here and that I can spend it with my family and so many other things that I've recognized lately. Maybe I will make a list and share them later.


  1. I'm so glad you blogged! I have to say, the last picture on here is probably my favorite. I miss you vernie, hopefully I can see you over the holidays!

  2. I really liked the last picture of the trees right before the one with the cat! The cat one is obviously great too haha.

  3. somehow i really like to capture moment :) your cat is lovely!

  4. Very cool blog.....lets follow each other? Let me :-)
    Emily of ELVintage

  5. These pictures are so beautiful!

    PS. I love your hair! :)
